
How to Recover Deleted Notes from iPhone or MacBook

The built-in Notes app on iPhone is a great tool to keep track of important information, ideas, and more. Many iPhone users save their shopping lists, book lists, creative inspiration, and more. Plus, Notes allows users to store images and media files. It makes sense that iPhone users search for how to recover deleted notes on iPhone or MacBook after they accidentally delete some important notes. This guide identifies and demonstrates the verified methods.

Part 1: How to Recover Recently Deleted Notes

The built-in Recently Deleted folder in the Notes app stores the notes that you deleted within 30 days. Then they will be completely removed. Before the expiration, you can recover recently deleted notes on iPhone, Mac, and iCloud.

How to Recover Recently Deleted Notes on iPhone

Recently Deleted Iphone
الخطوة 1

افتح ال ملحوظات التطبيق على جهاز iPhone أو iPad.

الخطوة 2

اضغط على Back Arrow button to enter the folder screen.

الخطوه 3

اختر ال تم حذفه مؤخرا folder at the bottom.

الخطوة 4

اضغط على يحرر button, select the desired notes, and press the يتحرك button at the bottom left corner. Then pick a proper folder.

How to Retrieve Recently Deleted Notes on Mac

Recently Deleted Mac
الخطوة 1

قم بتشغيل ملحوظات التطبيق من التطبيقات مجلد.

الخطوة 2

اذهب إلى تم حذفه مؤخرا folder from the left sidebar.

الخطوه 3

To recover deleted notes on Mac, press the الأمر key on your keyboard while clicking each note. Drag and drop them to a proper folder on the left side.

How to Get Deleted iPhone Notes Back on the Web

Recently Deleted Online
الخطوة 1

Visit www.icloud.com in a web browser, and sign in with your Apple ID and password. If you enabled 2FA, enter the verification code.

الخطوة 2

انقر على ملحوظات to enter iCloud Notes web page, and head to the تم حذفه مؤخرا مجلد.

الخطوه 3

Select the note that you want to get back, and click the استعادة button at the top. Then it will go back to the ملحوظات مجلد.

Part 2: How to Recover Permanently Deleted Notes from Backup

With a backup before deleting notes, you can recover them from the iTunes/Finder or iCloud backup. The downside is current data on your iPhone will be removed when recovering permanently deleted notes on your iPhone.

How to Undo Deleted Notes on iPhone from iTunes/Finder Backup

الخطوة 1

If you have backed up notes to your computer with iTunes or Finder, hook up your device to the computer with a compatible cable.

الخطوة 2

Open iTunes on Windows or macOS Mojave and older. Or run Finder on macOS Catalina and newer.

استعادة نسخة احتياطية من Finder
الخطوه 3

بمجرد اكتشاف جهازك، انقر فوق هاتف button and go to the ملخص tab in iTunes. In Finder, click your device name, and head to the عام التبويب.

حدد النسخ الاحتياطي لـ Finder
الخطوة 4

انقر على استرجاع النسخة الاحتياطية button, pick the backup file that contains the lost notes, and click the يعيد button. Enter your كلمة مرور نسخة iTunes الاحتياطية إذا قمت بتعيينه.


If your backup is encrypted, enter your password.

الخطوة الخامسة

Then follow the on-screen instructions to get permanently deleted notes on iPhone without iCloud.

How to Recover Missing Notes on iPhone from iCloud Backup

الخطوة 1

Run your Settings app if you have backed up notes to iCloud before you delete them.

Erase Iphone
الخطوة 2

اذهب إلى عام علامة التبويب ، واختر نقل أو إعادة تعيين iPhone on iOS 15 or later, or choose إعادة ضبط on iOS 14 or older. Tap مسح كافة المحتويات والإعدادات, and input your Apple ID password or iPhone passcode if prompted.

الخطوه 3

Confirm to reset your iPhone, and wait for your device to restart.

الخطوة 4

Set up your iPhone as a new device. Connect it to a stable Wi-Fi network. Then choose الاستعادة من نسخة iCloud الاحتياطية أو من نسخة احتياطية على iCloud.

Restore Icloud Backup
الخطوة الخامسة

Sign in to iCloud with your Apple ID and password. Then pick the right backup file according to the date.

الخطوة 6

Complete the setup process and recover accidentally deleted notes on your iPhone.

Part 3: How to Recover Deleted Notes on iPhone Without Backup

Is there a way to recover permanently deleted notes on iPhone without backup? The answer is yes and all you need is a powerful data recovery tool, such as imyPass iPhone Data Recovery. It looks for lost notes and information from your memory effectively.

Main Features of the Best iPhone Notes Recovery Software

1. Undo deleted notes on iPhone without backup.

2. Preview lost iPhone notes for selective recovery..

3. Support a wide range of data types including images and audio.

4. Extract deleted notes from iTunes or iCloud backup without resetting.

5. Compatible with the latest versions of iOS without إعادة ضبط جهاز iPhone الخاص بك.

How to Retrieve Deleted Notes on iPhone Without Backup

الخطوة 1

Scan data on the iPhone

Launch the best iPhone data recovery software once you install it on your computer. It is available on Windows 11/10/8/7 and Mac OS X. Choose the الاسترداد من جهاز iOS tab on the left side. Next, connect your iPhone to the computer with a Lightning cable. If prompted, tap ثقة on your iPhone screen. Then click the بدء المسح button to begin finding missing notes on iPhone 4 and above.

الخطوة 2

Preview deleted notes

As long as the data scan finishes, you will be presented with a preview window. Go to the ملحوظات tab from the left sidebar under the المذكرات وأخرى العنوان ثم اختر إظهار المحذوفة فقط from the top drop-down list to see deleted notes on your iPhone.

الخطوه 3

Retrieve deleted notes

Select the notes that you want to get back, and click the استعادة button at the bottom right corner. Then select an output folder by hitting the فتح الزر، ثم اضغط استعادة again. Wait for the recovery to finish, and disconnect your device.


لقد أوضح هذا الدليل كيفية find deleted contacts on your iPhone in various situations. iCloud is a flexible service to get back your contacts after you accidentally remove them from your device. iTunes/Finder backup is another option to restore lost contacts. Gmail enables you to download and merge iPhone contacts too. Or you can contact your carrier to find the lost phone numbers. imyPass iPhone Data Recovery is the contact recovery solution if you do not have a backup. More questions? Please write them down below.

بيني وارين
بيني وارين

بيني وارين ، كبيرة المحررين من imyPass ، متخصصة في برامج MS Office. يمكنك العثور على برامج تعليمية وحلول احترافية لبرنامج MS Office من منشوراتها.

استعادة بيانات iPhone

استعادة بيانات iPhone

استعادة بيانات iPhone المحذوفة أو المفقودة

تحميل مجاني تحميل مجاني استعادة بيانات iPhone