
How to Recover Deleted Voice Messages on iPhone or iPad

Voice messages let you listen to the data and information. That makes it a convenient way to keep in touch with others when your hands are busy with other tasks. However, some users may miss important information due to message loss. According to our survey, many people likely experience this problem. This guide will explain how to recover deleted voice messages on an iPhone with or without backup.

استعادة الرسائل الصوتية

Part 1: Why Did My Voice Messages Disappear

When sending a voice message in iMessage, you can tap the زائد button next to the field, choose Audio, and begin recording your message. The main reasons why your voice message disappeared may include:

1. Accidental deletion. You may delete voice messages without listening to the content and then find they are important.

2. Auto-deleted by iOS. iMessage can automatically delete your voice messages if you enable auto-deleting.

3. Software bug.

Part 2: How to Recover Voice Messages from Backup

A part of iPhone users back up their devices to iCloud or iTunes/Finder regularly. If you are a member of this group, you can get back deleted voice messages from an appropriate backup file.

How to Recover Voice Messages from iCloud Backup

الخطوة 1

قم بتشغيل إعدادات التطبيق، انتقل إلى عام, نقل أو إعادة تعيين iPhone، واضغط على مسح كافة المحتويات والإعدادات.

محو اي فون
الخطوة 2

صنبور يكمل, and enter your Apple ID password or iPhone passcode if prompted.

الخطوه 3

When your iPhone restarts, set it up as a new device. Make sure to connect to a Wi-Fi network. Then choose الاستعادة من نسخة iCloud الاحتياطية على ال التطبيقات والبيانات شاشة.

Restore From iCloud Backup
الخطوة 4

Sign in with your Apple ID and password, choose a proper backup, and follow the instructions to restore it to your device. Don't worry if you نسيت كلمة مرور iCloud الخاصة بك, for it's the same as your Apple ID password.

الخطوة الخامسة

Complete the reset of setup and listen to the deleted voice messages on your iPhone.

How to Recover Voice Messages from iTunes Backup

الخطوة 1

Connect your iPhone to your computer with a compatible cable.

الخطوة 2

Open the latest version of iTunes or Finder. Click the هاتف button or choose your iPhone name once it is detected.

استعادة نسخة احتياطية لـ iTunes
الخطوه 3

اذهب إلى ملخص أو عام علامة التبويب، وانقر فوق استرجاع النسخة الاحتياطية زر تحت النسخ الاحتياطية الجزء.

الخطوة 4

Pick the backup that may include the lost voice messages, and click يعيد.

حدد نسخة احتياطية لـ iTunes

Part 3: How to Recover Voice Messages on iPhone Without Backup

How to Recover Recently Deleted Voice Messages on iPhone

The built-in Recently Deleted folder in the Messages app enables you to recover recently deleted voice messages on your iPhone. Within 30 days, you can undo message deletion without any backup.

تم حذفه مؤخرا
الخطوة 1

افتح ملفك رسائل التطبيق، اضغط على المرشحات button at the top left side, and choose تم حذفه مؤخرا. If you didn’t enable Filters, tap يحرر، واختيار إظهار المحذوفة مؤخرًا.

الخطوة 2

Select the contacts associated with the deleted voice messages, and tap the استعادة زر.

الخطوه 3

إذا طُلب منك ذلك، انقر فوق استعادة [العدد] الرسائل to confirm it. Then you can find the voice messages in the Messages app.

How to Recover Voice Messages with iPhone Data Recovery

For permanently deleted voice messages, imyPass iPhone Data Recovery is the best option to get them back from your iPhone without backup. More importantly, it is pretty easy to use and doesn’t require technical skills.

Main Features of the Best iPhone Data Recovery

1. Recover deleted voice messages from iPhone without backup.

2. Extract lost voice messages from iCloud/iTunes backup.

3. Pre-listen to voice messages before recovery.

4. Won’t overwrite existing messages on your iPhone.

5. Support all iOS models without إعادة ضبط جهاز iPhone الخاص بك or iPad.

Here are the steps to recover voice messages on iPhone without backup:

الخطوة 1

Scan lost data on your iPhone

Start the iPhone Data Recovery tool after installing it on your PC. There is another version for Mac. Pick the الاسترداد من جهاز iOS tab. Connect your iPhone to your PC with a Lightning cable. Trust your PC, and click the بدء المسح زر للمضي قدما.

الخطوة 2

Preview deleted voice messages

When the main interface pops up, go to the رسائل tab under الرسائل و جهات الاتصال. اسحب الخيار العلوي لأسفل واختر إظهار المحذوفة فقط. Then you can preview the deleted voice messages on your iPhone.

الخطوه 3

Recover voice messages on iPhone

Check the box next to each voice message that you want to recover, and click the استعادة button. Set the output folder, and hit استعادة مرة أخرى.


الآن، يجب أن تفهم كيف get back deleted voice messages on your iPhone. With iCloud/iTunes backup, you can retrieve your voice messages. The downside is current data will be erased and overwritten. The Recently Deleted folder lets you find the recently deleted voice messages. imyPass iPhone Data Recovery can recover permanently deleted voice messages on iPhone without backup. If you have other questions, please write them down below.

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بيني وارين

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