
What You Can Do If You Forgot iCloud Email Password

"My iCloud email is blocked for security reasons because of incorrect password entry, how to reset my iCloud email password if I forgot it?"

iCloud Email is the email service released by Apple for its customers. It enables you to send, receive, and manage emails on any Apple product. Moreover, if you have multiple Apple devices, the emails will be synced among them. Things will be tricky if you forgot your iCloud Email password, as you will lose access to many Apple services. However, take it easy, you can learn 4 ways to reset the forgotten iCloud Email password from our guide.

Ξέχασα τον κωδικό πρόσβασης email iCloud

Part 1. How to Reset iCloud Email Password on Apple Devices

According to Apple, your Apple ID password is also your iCloud Email password. Therefore, you can reset it when you forgot your iCloud Email password on your iPhone or Apple’s password recovery website.

Way 1: How to Reset iCloud Email Password with a New Account

The easiest way to reset your forgotten iCloud email password is to set up a new account on your iOS device. From this point, we recommend imyPass iPassGo. It lets you remove the old iCloud Email account and use a new one on your iPhone or iPad.


4.000.000+ λήψεις

1. Remove the old iCloud Email password with one click.

2. Offer bonus features, including wipe lock-screen passcode, αφαιρέστε το MDM, bypass Screen Time, and more.

3. Integrate an intuitive interface and easy to use.

4. Compatible with the latest versions of iOS.

Here is the process to reset the iCloud Email password with a new account:

Βήμα 1

Install the best iCloud Email password removal tool on your computer and open it. Plug your iPhone into your computer with a Lightning cable.

Καταργήστε τη λειτουργία Apple ID
Βήμα 2

Επιλέγω Αφαιρέστε το Apple IDκαι κάντε κλικ στο Αρχή button when your device is detected.

Connect IOS to Computer Remove Apple ID
Βήμα 3

Then you will face three situations:

Κατάσταση 1: The software removes the old iCloud Email password immediately if Find My is disabled.

Κατάσταση 2: If Find My is enabled and you are using iOS 11.3 or older, reset all settings on your device. Then the software will work automatically.

Situation 3: If Find My is enabled and you are using iOS 11.4 or later, make sure to turn on Two-factory authentication. Enter 0000, confirm unlocking, check your device information, and begin removing your iCloud Email password.

Αφαιρέστε το Apple ID

When it finishes, restart your iPhone, set it up, and create a new iCloud Email account and password.

Way 2: How to Reset iCloud Email Password with Two-factor Authentication

Trust Device
Βήμα 1

Visit Apple’s sign-in web page in your browser if you have turned on 2FA, click Ξεχάσατε το Apple ID ή τον κωδικό πρόσβασης, input your Apple ID or iCloud email address.

Βήμα 2

Select a trusted device, and click Να συνεχίσει to send a notification to the device.

Εισαγάγετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης
Βήμα 3

When you receive the notification, tap Επιτρέπω. Then enter the device’s passcode, set a new iCloud Email password, re-enter it, and tap Επόμενο. Now, you can access your iCloud Email with the new password.

Way 3: How to Reset iCloud Email Password Using Two-step Verification

Κλειδί ανάκτησης
Βήμα 1

If you have set up two-step verification, visit https://iforgot.apple.com/password/verify/appleid, and provide your Apple ID.

Βήμα 2

To reset your forgotten iCloud Email password, click Να συνεχίσει, and follow the on-screen instructions to provide the information.

Βήμα 3

Όταν φτάσετε στο Enter Recovery Key page, input your Recovery key, and click Να συνεχίσει. Then reset a new password and confirm it.

Part 2. How to Reset Password for iCloud Email with Other's iPhone

With the official Apple Support app, you can reset a forgotten iCloud Email password on your friend’s or family’s iOS device. Here are the steps to get the job done with another iPhone or iPad:

Υποστήριξη Apple
Βήμα 1

Run the Apple Support app on an accessible iOS device. You can download it from the App Store for free.

Βήμα 2

Πατήστε το Apple ID link σύμφωνα με το Περισσότερα Προϊόντα heading, and select Forgot Apple ID password.

Βήμα 3

Τύπος Ξεκίνα, επιλέξτε Ένα διαφορετικό Apple ID, πατήστε Να συνεχίσει, and enter your iCloud Email address. Then follow the instructions to reset the password. The next steps will depend on how your account is configured.

Συχνές ερωτήσεις.

  • Is the iCloud Email password the same as the Apple ID?

    Yes. If you create an iCloud Email alias on your existing Apple ID, it will use the same password as your Apple ID.

  • Can I access my iCloud email without a password?

    No, you cannot access your iCloud email without your password.

  • How to recover my iCloud Email password?

    If you forgot your iCloud Email password, you have to reset a new one and access your information.


Αυτός ο οδηγός έχει δείξει τέσσερις τρόπους reset your iCloud Email password when you forgot it. You can pick an appropriate method according to your situation and follow our steps to set a new password. imyPass iPassGo is the easiest option for beginners. If you have other questions involved, please write them down below.

Πένυ Γουόρεν
Πένυ Γουόρεν

Η Penny Warren, ανώτερη συντάκτρια του imyPass, ειδικεύεται στο λογισμικό MS Office. Μπορείτε να βρείτε επαγγελματικά σεμινάρια και λύσεις λογισμικού MS Office από τις αναρτήσεις της.

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