
How to Fix iMessage Activation Error on iPhone and iPad

“I have an iPhone 13 Pro, and for the past week I have not been able to activate iMessage on my phone, how to fix it?” When you get an iOS device, you have to create an Apple ID account. Moreover, you can get free access to iMessage, too. It lets you text-chat with others without a cellphone plan. Nevertheless, you need to activate it before using the service. This guide intends to help you fix iMessage activation error gyorsan.

Üzenet aktiválási hiba

Part 1. Why is My iMessage Not Working

1. Your iPhone gets stuck in a specific mode.

2. Your internet connection is poor and cannot communicate with Apple at all.

3. Apple servers are down and cannot receive your request.

4. Something is wrong with your Apple ID. For example, you have reset the password but not update it on your iPhone.

5. Incorrect or conflicted settings. Some apps may modify the time and date settings. That can lead to an iMessage activation error, too.

6. Outdated software. Apple releases updates frequently to fix bugs. That may be responsible for the activation error.

Part 2. How to Enable iMessage

As mentioned previously, iMessage is a built-in messaging service on iPhones and iPad. However, you need to enable and activate the service before sending and receiving messages. Here is the process to activate iMessage.

Re Enable Imessage
1. lépés

Make sure that your iPhone is connecting to a Wi-Fi network or cellular data. Run the Beállítások alkalmazást a kezdőképernyőről.

2. lépés

Választ üzenetek, keresse meg a iMessage option, and toggle on the switch. If prompted, enter your Apple ID and password to activate iMessage.

3. lépés

Then tap Send & Receive to go to the iMessage settings that affect which emails and phone numbers you can send and receive messages to/from.

4. lépés

Tap an email or phone number to enable iMessage. After iMessage activation, you can send and receive iMessages on your iPhone.

Jegyzet: It usually takes 24 hours to activate iMessage since Apple needs to verify your Apple ID credentials.

Part 3. How to Fix iMessage Activation Error

Solution 1: Restart Your iPhone

Restart Option Assistivetouch iPhone

When iMessage activation is unsuccessful, the first thing you can do is to restart your iOS device. Although it is easy, this solution is working in some cases. Moreover, it doesn’t require any extra software.

Nyomja meg és tartsa lenyomva a gombot Erő button until you see the power-off screen. Move the slider to the right side. Wait for a while after your screen turns black. Then hold down the Erő gombot, amíg meg nem jelenik az Apple logó.

Or tap the AssistiveTouch button, if you have enabled Accessibility on iOS 12 and above. Press Eszköz, ütés Több, és válasszon Újrakezd.

Solution 2: Check Apple Server Status

Apple szerver

When the iMessage activation error occurs, you’d better check the status of Apple servers. You can visit the website of Apple System Status in a browser and learn the status of Apple servers. If any servers are down, you have to wait for them to work again and try activating iMessage on your iPhone.

Solution 3: Check Your Internet Connection

You need a good internet connection when activating iMessage on your iPhone. If you are using cellular data, switch to a Wi-Fi network or vice versa. If the error still happens, reset the network settings.

Reset Network
1. lépés

Futtassa a Beállítások kb.

2. lépés

Navigáljon ide Tábornok, Az iPhone átvitele vagy visszaállítása, Visszaállítás, és válasszon Állítsa vissza a hálózati beállításokat.

3. lépés

When it is done, connect to an internet connection and activate iMessage.

Solution 4: Re-enable iMessage

Sometimes, the poor connection can lead to the iMessage activation error on an iPhone or iPad. The easy solution is to re-enable iMessage and refresh the connection to Apple servers on your iPhone.

Re Enable Imessage
1. lépés

Választ üzenetek ban,-ben Beállítások kb.

2. lépés

Toggle off the iMessage választási lehetőség.

3. lépés

Then turn on iMessage újra.

Solution 5: Re-sign in Your Apple ID

iMessage works through your Apple ID account. You have to update any change of your Apple account on your iPhone when iMessage activation is unsuccessful. For instance, you have reset the Apple ID password.

Sign Out Apple id
1. lépés

Tap on your profile on the top of the Beállítások kb.

2. lépés

Scroll down to the bottom, and press the Kijelentkezés button. If prompted, enter your password.

3. lépés

Then go to the Beállítások alkalmazást, érintse meg Jelentkezzen be iPhone készülékére at the top, and enter your Apple ID and password again.

Solution 6: Set Send and Receive Settings

Although iMessage allows you to send and receive messages without a SIM card, it requires an available email address and/or phone number. Therefore, you need to set the Send & Receive settings when iMessage activation is unsuccessful.

Send Receive Settings
1. lépés

Futtassa a sajátját Beállítások kb.

2. lépés

Menj üzenetek, és Send & Receive.

3. lépés

Select all available email addresses and phone numbers.

Solution 7: Correct Date and Time

If the date and time on your iPhone are wrong, it cannot communicate with Apple servers smoothly. As a result, the iMessage activation error may happen. Therefore, you’d better set the date and time correctly.

Date Time
1. lépés

Navigáljon ide Tábornok a tiédben Beállítások kb.

2. lépés

Koppintson a Dátum idő, és kapcsolja be Automatikus beállítás.

3. lépés

Connect your iPhone to the internet and iOS will correct date and time automatically.

Solution 8: Update Software

The last but not least solution to fix iMessage activation error is updating the software on your iOS device. It is well known that outdated software can lead to a variety of issues and errors. You’d better keep your iOS up to date.

Software Update ios17
1. lépés

Irány Tábornok a tiédben Beállítások kb.

2. lépés

Koppintson a Szoftver frissítés to check for the new update.

3. lépés

If there is an available one, tap the Telepítés most gomb.

Bonus Tip: Best iCloud Unlocker for iOS Devices

Erősítse meg az iCloud aktiválási zár megkerülését

If you want to remove iCloud Lock from your iOS device but forgot the password, you will need a powerful iCloud unlocking service. iPassBye, for example, is one of the best iCloud Activation lock removal.

Main Features of the Best iCloud Unlock Software

1. Távolítsa el az iCloud aktiválási zárat without the password.

2. Bypass iCloud lock with one click.

3. Provide on-screen instructions.

4. Support a wide range of iPhones and iPad.

5. Compatible with the latest versions of iOS.


Ez a cikk elmagyarázta why iMessage is not working and how to fix the iMessage activation error on an iPhone or iPad. You can perform our solutions one by one to resolve the problem effectively. Plus, we also recommended an efficient iCloud Activation lock removal, iPassBye. If you have other questions about this topic, feel free to leave a message below this post.

Penny Warren
Penny Warren

Penny Warren, az imyPass vezető szerkesztője az MS Office szoftverekre szakosodott. Bejegyzéseiből professzionális oktatóanyagokat és megoldásokat találhat az MS Office szoftverekhez.

Forró megoldások



Az iCloud aktiválási zár megkerülése

Ingyenes letöltés Ingyenes letöltés iPassBye