
Troubleshoot Your IT Administrator Has Limited Access Error

Does your computer run Windows 11? Many Windows 11 users report this issue in Microsoft forums. It occurs when you open the Windows security.

Fortunately, a lot of users have solved this problem, and the Microsoft official has provided a fix execution. However, this error happens due to many factors. Therefore, this article will troubleshoot your IT administrator has limited access error and illustrate how to fix it step by step.

Your IT Administrator Has Limited Access

Part 1. Quick Fix: Change Your Account to Administrator

From the message "your IT administrator has limited access" we can tell that the issue may occur because we don't have enough permissions. Therefore, changing the account to administrator is the first and the easiest thing we should try.

Stap 1

Houd ingedrukt ramen + R to invoke the run window. Input netplwiz.

Run Window
Stap 2

On the pop-up Gebruikers account window, choose the user you are using now. Switch its permission to Administrator and click Van toepassing zijn.

Change Administer Access

Part 2. Can't Change Account? Force to Log in to Admin Account

If you can't change your account using the first method and you can still not open Windows Security, your IT administrator has limited access can also be fixed by forcing changes to the admin account.

Stap 1

Download imyPass Windows Password Ultimate on your Windows computer. Select the Windows OS and choose the administrator account.

Selecteer Windows-account
Stap 2

Klik Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen en klik Ja to confirm. The password will be erased immediately.

Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen Windows
Stap 3

Your computer will restart before you can log in to the administrator account.

Herstart computer
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Part 3. Quick Fix: Close or remove Third-party Security Software

If the former two methods don't work, it indicates issues don't occur on the Windows admin permissions, but the third-party security software permissions.

Some third-party security software will limit the user account access without informing you previously. Therefore, closing or uninstalling third-party security software may fix the IT administrator has limited access to Windows Defender error. Since the closing operations vary across different programs, we will show you how to install third-party security software.

Stap 1

Klik op de Windows button on the bottom left corner, and then click Instellingen.

Stap 2

Selecteer Apps on the left bar, and choose the first option: Installed Apps.

Stap 3

Click the three-dots button behind the program and hit Verwijderen.

Windows 11 Uninstall Apps

Part 4. Further Step: Repair Windows Security

All three methods we provide help you quickly fix the IT administrator has limited access error. Let's move further to evaluate other causes. If it is none of the admin access business, consider the Windows Security glitch and crash. Go to Windows Settings and repair it following this guideline:

Stap 1

Klik op de zoekbalk on the bottom, and then search for Windows Security. Right-click on Windows Security en kies App Settings.

Windows Security App Settings
Stap 2

You will be directly led to System > System Components > Windows Security. Click Terminate and Repair in turn to repair Windows Security without data loss. If the two don't take effect, considering click Reset to repair, which will erase all data.

Fix Windows Security

Note: The Repair en Resetten operations need to reboot your computer. Please make sure your computer is not occupied with too much data or Windows may be stuck on the welcome screen after restart.

Part 5. Further Step: Run Security Health Setup

You can find and run the security health setup in the Windows computer's system folder and fix any potential risks and errors, including your IT administrator's limited access on Windows 11.

We will show you how to find and run the setup file. However, not all Windows computers store this file by default. Just follow the steps below first. If you run into the same issue, move to the final solution for more information.

Stap 1

Open Bestandsverkenner on Windows. Navigate to the following folder:


Stap 2

Right-click the SecurityHealthSetup file and select Als administrator uitvoeren. After that, a command Window will pop up and then close immediately. Once you notice that, you can try opening Windows Security and the IT administrator has limited access error won't occur.

Run Security Setup As Administrator

Part 6. Final Solution: Download Official Security Health Setup

How to fix your IT administrator has limited access? Here comes the final solution: download the repair execution manually and run it as administrator. The Microsoft official support provided the download link and many users in the Microsoft forum have tested this method as useful.

If your computer misses the security execution, follow the steps:

Stap 1

Click the link below to download the security execution file from Microsoft Update Catalog: securityhealthsetup.exe

Stap 2

The download path can be random. When downloading finishes, right-click the file and hit Als administrator uitvoeren. Similarly, when you see the command Window pop up and close immediately, you can try to open Windows Security again.

Stap 3

If the security execution file doesn't, just download it using the link several times until you can open Windows Security successfully.

Open Windows Security Successfully


I am sure the IT administrator has limited access error has been fixed if you follow all the six solutions one by one. Now you can open Windows Security and go on with your work. Besides, don't forget to try imyPass Windows-wachtwoord opnieuw instellen for free now, which helps you access your Windows computer again when you forget the password or need the administrator access.

Penny Warren
Penny Warren

Penny Warren, senior editor van imyPass, is gespecialiseerd in MS Office-software. Je kunt professionele tutorials en oplossingen van MS Office-software vinden in haar berichten.

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