在幾秒鐘內刪除並重設 Widnows 密碼
擦除 iOS 螢幕密碼、刪除 Apple ID 等。
一鍵繞過 iCloud 啟動鎖
查看、匯出和恢復 iPhone 密碼
在 iOS 裝置上更改、隱藏和偽造您的位置
從裝置、iCloud、iTunes 備份還原 iOS 數據
Thanks for using iPhone Data Recovery. We now provide 20% 減免 讓你得到它!
1 個月許可證: $29.96 $37.45
Choose Connect Your Device to Your Computer
Select One Recovery Source
Choose to recover data from iOS devices, from iTunes Backup, or from iCloud. The program will start to scan deleted and lost files from them.
Select and Recover Data